

Optical aims to be the tool right next to your hand when you work on a computer vision project. Optical does not help you with training your deep learning models neither does it perform any fancy augmentation. It’s rather about making life easier for you by automating all the routine tasks that you often go through before you can actually start training your model.


  • Object detection

    Object detection is one of the mainstream computer vision tasks. However, when it comes to training an object detection model, there are a variety of data formats that one has to deal with for different models e.g. COCO, PASCAL VOC, Yolo and so on. Optical provides a simple interface to convert back and forth between these annotation formats and also perform a bunch of exploratory data analysis (EDA) along the way.

    At present we support conversion to and from the following formats 🚀

    See this turorial↩ to get started.